Saturday, May 18, 2013

Did You Lose Something?

Just a few days ago, I couldn’t find my cell phone anywhere.  I knew that I’d seen it last in the house and I was certain I’d left it on vibrate, so I began to call it using another phone.  I wandered from room to room continuing to redial my cell number, listening for the familiar buzzing sound but it just never came. I even checked in my car in the garage, just in case. No luck.  Huh…

Where could it possibly have gone?”  I wondered.

Finally, after retracing my steps through the house several more times, I got the idea to check my coat pockets in my bedroom closet. I stepped inside the closet and redialed my number.  Ah hah!  I could hear the faint reverberating noise, but not in one of my coat pockets. Instead, the sound drew me downward until I located it far inside of one of my shoes all the way towards the toe.  Now that’s weird!  Only then did I recall setting the device in my shoe in the living room a few hours before (why, I really couldn’t tell you) and somehow when I picked up my shoes to put them into my closet, the phone slipped silently into its secure hiding place.  However, my exhaustive search ended in victory!

In the 15th chapter of Luke, Jesus told three stories in a row to describe the lengths at which God will go to search us out.  First is a story of a shepherd who must, at all costs, go after and find one sheep in a hundred that is lost.  The second is about a woman who searches, almost frantically, to locate a lost coin in her house. And the third tale is about a Father who must have both of his sons with him, each wandering away from his heart in a different manner.

Have you ever considered that if the woman in the 2nd story represents the Holy Spirit (which is not a stretch since Holy Spirit comforts and nurtures us), you have three vivid word pictures of how Jesus, Holy Spirit and Father are all part of a divine and perfectly orchestrated search and rescue team!

If I was willing to scour my house for a mere phone, can you imagine the extent to which God would go to pursue you at every turn in your life?  I was looking for an electronic device that could easily be replaced, whose tracking system was a slight vibration.  You, on the other hand, are made in the glorious image of your Maker and totally irreplaceable.  Furthermore, God has supplied you with the clearest beacon imaginable. He has placed His very own Spirit inside of you so that deep is crying out to deep (Ps. 42:7), His Spirit continually crying out to yours.  Whoa!  You’re much too valuable to God for Him to ever lose track of. Can’t happen!

You have to know something about Abba-Papa-Yahweh-God. He is extremely focused!  His love is jealous for you in the very best of ways!  He says, “This one is mine and no one or nothing can take you away from me!”

“Your beauty and love chase after me 
every day of my life.
 I’m back home in the house of God for the rest of my life.”
Psalm 23:6  (The Message Bible)

“My sheep respond as they hear My voice; I know them intimately, and they follow Me. I give them a life that is unceasing, and death will not have the last word. Nothing or no one can steal them from My hand. My Father has given the flock to Me, and He is superior to all beings and things. No one is powerful enough to snatch the flock from My Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.”
John 10:27-30 (the Voice)

How does it feel to be the focus of Papa's affection? You are as secure in Him as you will ever be!  It’s time to rest in His love and draw countless others into the same security in His heart.  That’s what you were born to do!

Brent Lokker

Friday, April 12, 2013

Just How Special Are You?

God’s glory—His very nature—is displayed throughout creation. The heavens declare the glory of God. (Psalm 19:1 NKJV)

First Corinthians 15:41 reminds us:
The sun has its own glory, the moon another glory and the stars yet another glory; and the stars differ among themselves in glory. (NJB)

When you look up at one of the 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars (the latest scientific estimate, though scientists acknowledge more stars are continually being born), you realize that particular star is different from every other one. Each star carries a unique glory that displays an aspect of God that no other star carries in the same way. It’s head-spinning, to say the least. And that’s just the stars! Every plant, every flower, every animal, every sea creature, and even every insect, from the top of Mount Everest to the depths of the sea, fathoms below the surface of the water, all display unique aspects of our Creator God.

He is so vast, so magnificent, so much more brilliantly creative than anything we could begin to wrap our minds around, it takes all of creation together to begin to paint a picture, albeit an incomplete one, of how jaw- droppingly amazing He really is!

Take a moment to reflect upon the most beautiful place you’ve ever enjoyed in nature. I’ve stood at the top of Yosemite Falls, transfixed by the breathtaking sight of massive volumes of water dramatically cascading a few thousand feet below. I’ve gazed with tremendous appreciation and wonder at deep purple-and-orange sunsets off the shores of Maui. I’ve marveled at the overwhelming majesty of huge California redwood trees towering above me, reaching into the sky. I’ve sat for hours at a time on the shores of Lake Tahoe, mesmerized by its panoramic beauty.

Do you have in mind that special image that takes your breath away with its beauty?

Are you ready for this? When God crafted that most beautiful place, He called it good. It was not until He created His crowning glory, man and woman in His own image—including you and me—that He called His creation very good! The same Father who put His unique glory into each of the elements of His creation saved the best for last. He’s the One who says of you,

“When I created you, I truly outdid Myself. You’re the very best part of My creation. You’re My absolute favorite!”

On his 1994 album Poiema, Michael Card wrote:
The Bible tells us that we are God’s masterpieces (poiema in Greek); not only creatures, but His creations, His poems. We are living epistles. And so, our lives are meant to be listened to, because it is God who is speaking into and out of and through the symphony of the years, and the masterpiece of a lifetime.

The beauty and majesty of how He fashioned you far surpasses the grandeur of everything else He has created.

What is it about man that God cannot get him out of His thoughts? Why would God bother to benefit the son of man? Why would God make so much of man? He has made man all but equal to Himself, He crowned him with His own glory and dignity and appointed him in a position of authority over all the works of His hands. (Hebrews 2:6–7 TMT)

God not only loves you with a passion that surpasses anything we thought we knew about passion, but He says to you, “Let’s rule My kingdom together!” Of course, that means it has to be done according to His specs— with love, grace, honor, and mercy, but also with power, signs, and wonders. We’re supposed to see the impossible invade this earth. This is why Jesus, when asked by His followers how to pray, responded:

This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:9–10 NIV)

Jesus was inviting us to know who our Father is and to realize we have His permission to usher the reality of His kingdom into this world. You are crowned with God’s own glory and dignity, and you’ve been given a position of authority in His kingdom. It looks like you and God have some work to do together!

People on this earth will come to know God through those of us who know Him as He really is. Once we know the greatness of who we are as carriers of God’s glory, there’s nothing to stop us from representing Him accurately across the earth with love and power. 

Enjoy the journey!

Brent Lokker
Author of Daddy, You Love Me: Living in the Approval of Your Heavenly Father. 
This blog is taken from Chapter 10: Know Your Greatness and Walk in it!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Direct Access to the Father!

Your Father has a soft place in His heart just for you that gives you, as an insider, direct and complete access to Him! 

Entering into the fullness of Christ is not something you figure out or achieve. It’s not a matter of being circumcised or keeping a long list of laws. No, you’re already in—insiders—not through some initiation rite but rather through what Christ has already gone through for you, destroying the power of sin. (Colossians 2:11–12 MSG)

During the American Civil War, a Union Army soldier who had lost his father and his brother in the war went to Washington DC to speak with President Lincoln to ask for an exemption from military service to help his mother and sister on their farm. However, upon arriving at the White House, he was told that he could not see the President because Mr. Lincoln was too busy with the details of the war. Distraught, he sat on a nearby bench when a young boy approached him and asked, “What’s wrong, soldier?” The soldier poured his heart out to the boy about his situation. The little boy took the soldier by the hand and led him around to the back of the White House. They went through the back door, past the guards, past all the generals and the high-ranking government officials until they got to the President’s office itself. The little boy didn’t even knock on the door but just opened it and walked in. There was President Lincoln with his Secretary of State, looking over battle plans on the desk. President Lincoln looked up and asked,“What can I do for you, Todd?”

Todd happened to be President Lincoln’s son, and he said, “Daddy, this soldier needs to talk to you.” Right then and there the soldier had a chance to share his story with the President and was exempted from military service due to the hardship his family was under.

Because of Jesus, we have been given the breathtaking right to come straight to our Father, who, unlike President Lincoln, always has time for us. Papa not only has all of the solutions and resources to provide for what we need, but He especially loves it when we just want a hug and to be near Him.

He says, “Oh, that I love most of all! Come in closer.”

We don’t come to Him once we think we have our act together or 
when we think we are clean enough or good enough. If that were the case, we would all still be waiting outside. No, we have a Daddy who adores us so much He devised a plan—that Jesus carried out—so we could come to Him clean and perfect as His precious children, all of the time!

For by a single offering, Christ has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.” 
(Hebrews 10:14 RSV )

So, friends, we can now—without hesitation—walk right up to God, into “the Holy Place.” Jesus has cleared the way by the blood of His sacrifice, acting as our priest before God. The “curtain” into God’s presence is Christ’s body. So let’s do it— full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. 

(Hebrews 10:19–22 MSG)

Let us, then, have no fear in approaching the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace when we are in need of help. 

(Hebrews 4:16 NJB)

Your Daddy in heaven says to you:

Child, how about that hug? In My arms you can let Me know whatever is troubling you, but in My presence you may just forget those troubles, because I’m here to love on you and to reassure you that I know how to take care of you! 

How do you experience the Father's embrace?  Tell me your stories!

Friday, February 22, 2013

"I Love This Part!"

God has a highlight reel of your best moments in life waiting for you in heaven!  He’ll provide the popcorn (in heaven you can have all the butter on it you want!) as you are reclining together and watching His version of your home movies, He’ll say over and over again, “I love this part!”

I love this part when you gave your milk money to another child because they didn’t have any!

I love this part when you said a kind word that gave that lonely person hope in a dark moment!

I love this part when you patiently waited and even joked around with others in line when something went wrong with the cash register at the grocery store!

I love this part when you wiped the tears away from a child’s eyes, gave them a hug, and told them something that made them smile again!

I love this part when you sat down and cried with me and believed how good I was even in the midst of an extremely difficult situation.

I love this part when you lifted up your tear-filled eyes to me and said, “I trust you, Father!”

I love this part when you chose to forgive another who had wronged you because you remembered my mercy and released them!

I love this part when you smiled at someone,
when you stopped to open the door,
when you gave a lost person directions,
when you picked up the phone to talk to encourage someone,
when you took the time to listen as well,
when you helped another up,
when you gave a meal to someone who had none…
...and the list goes on and on.

And you’ll say, but Lord, what about the other parts that weren’t so good.  And he will look at you with a quizzical face and say, “My child, I really don’t remember that.”

So we are made holy because Christ obeyed God and offered himself once for all.  By his one sacrifice he has forever set free from sin the people he brings to God. The Holy Spirit also speaks of this by telling us that the Lord said, “When the time comes, 
I will make an agreement
 with them. 
I will write my laws 
on their minds and hearts. Then I will forget 
about their sins
 and no longer remember 
their evil deeds.” 
When sins are forgiven, there is no more need to offer sacrifices.

Hebrews 10:10,14-18 (CEV)

Jesus can’t get back up on the cross again because He did it all for you the first and only time!  He has made you holy and put you right with God.  It’s time to enjoy that relationship and live out your life true to your real self.  It’s time to make more wonderful memories in this life that you and your heavenly Father will watch together again when you will hear Him say with delight,

“I love this part!”

Friday, February 15, 2013

Daddy's Kisses

I remember a trip our family went on to an amusement park and on the way home we stopped for pizza. My almost-two-year-old niece, Isabella, was with us and she had crashed with exhaustion after a long, fun day. She was completely zonked out, snoozing on her mom, Kiyana, who was lovingly looking at her precious daughter and saying, “I love these times because I can kiss Isabella as much as I want to.” Of course, she was referring to the fact that a nearly-two-year-old has a bundle of squirmy energy that doesn’t lend itself to slowing down long enough to receive too many kisses. And now Mom had her chance!

As soon as she said this, I thought, What a perfect picture of how our Daddy in heaven loves us. We are precious to our Father and He thoroughly enjoys watching us run around and discover things. But since we are often too active to enjoy His kisses, He can hardly wait until we get to the end of our day, exhausted and needing rest. Then Papa says, “Oh, good! Now I get to kiss them as much as I want to.” You see, God never sleeps nor slumbers. (Psalm 121:4)

What do you suppose He’s doing when we’re sleeping? Well, since God is love, it makes perfect sense that He takes that time to kiss us as much as He wants to. And just like Isabella, you don’t have to do a thing to receive those kisses. It’s simply the natural response of Daddy’s perfect love that must find its expression toward the ones He adores—that’s you and me!

No wonder we wake up with a fresh gift of new mercy every morning. It’s because we had huge doses of love lavishly and continuously poured out upon us all night long. Jeremiah 31:3 (BBE) reads:
My love for you is an eternal love: so with mercy I have made you come with me.

God has a definite motive for showering us with His love. Here it is: Since God knows He’s the best thing for us, He makes it downright impossible for us to resist Him, and we find ourselves continuously drawn into His great heart.

If you think this is good news, I have some even better news for you. You don’t have to wait until nighttime for your heavenly Daddy to kiss you. God is always showering us with His love and He is bringing us into a growing awareness of His love during our waking, active hours as well. In fact, one of the Bible’s most fervent prayers is that we will truly get how big and good God’s love really is. (Ephesians 3:16-19)

This is why it’s so important that we slow down and enjoy “soaking times,” when we learn to tune our hearts to His and experience more and more of that continuous flow of love. Why don’t you take a few moments right now to quiet your heart and agree again with the most powerful truth the world has ever known: “Daddy, you love me!”

He does not merely tolerate you politely, He delights Himself in you! (Ephesians 5:29 TMT) 

Enjoy the journey into the depths of Papa's HUGE heart for you!!

Taken from chapter 4 (A Father Who Celebrates You) of Daddy, You Love Me: Living in the Approval of Your Heavenly Father by Brent Lokker.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Turning Failure Into Victory

Turning Failure into Victory

Peter was one of Jesus’ closest friends, and he promised Jesus that he would never abandon Him, no matter what. When Peter failed miserably at standing up for Jesus in His darkest hour, he felt like a dismal loser. So much so that even after he had seen the living, resurrected Jesus, he went back to his previous trade of fishing because he didn’t think Jesus would have use for him anymore. Peter’s failure was fearing for his own life on the night of Jesus’ brutal arrest, leading him to deny knowing Jesus three times when questioned by the Romans around a charcoal fire.

Why do you suppose John would have mentioned in his gospel that it was a charcoal fire? The answer is clear when you read about the charcoal fire Jesus built after His resurrection to cook fish for the disciples who were out fishing all night.

Jesus intentionally brought Peter back to the same atmosphere of that charcoal fire to give him the opportunity to come through with flying colors this time.

In order to restore Peter from defeat to victory, Jesus asked Peter to affirm his love for Him three times. Jesus didn’t scold him. Jesus never even asked Peter why he denied Him. He simply said, feed my sheep and take care of my lambs.  Jesus was telling him, in effect:

"Peter, I know you feel bad about what happened, but feeling bad isn’t going to get you to where I need you to be. I know all things. I know that you love Me, but you needed to hear yourself say the words so that you would believe it again. I brought you back to the charcoal fire—to the place of your failure—for you to succeed this time. I have things for you to do, Peter. I have taken away any and all excuses for disqualification. You are Mine, and you know My love for you. It’s time to get back in the game. I need you to feed people the truth of My grace and love. I need you to take care of those who have lost their way and point them back to the Father I revealed to you, Peter—a Father who wants each and every child with all of His heart."

The Lord then used Peter in astounding ways ... the very same man who at one time thought he was unusable. Just look at the next chapters of Peter’s life and see the rest of the story.

In Acts 2, after the Holy Spirit comes in power, it’s Peter who gets up and preaches to the crowd, and three thousand people come rushing into God’s kingdom that day! In Acts 3, it’s Peter and John who stretch out their hands and heal the crippled man at the gate called Beautiful, and it’s Peter who once again speaks to the crowds and two thousand more people are drawn into God’s kingdom. In Acts 4, Peter is no longer bound by fear or unbelief. He is put in prison for preaching the good news of Jesus, and even when threatened with his life, continues to tell the enraged council about Jesus. In Acts 5, the power and glory of God are pouring out of Peter—even his shadow is healing people! In Acts 9, it’s Peter who heals a paralytic and, as a result, everyone in the towns of Lydda and Sharon want to follow Jesus. Also in Acts 9, it’s Peter who raises a woman from the dead, and many in the town of Joffa choose to believe in Jesus. Peter ends up so free from his past fear and doubt that he is sleeping soundly between two guards while imprisoned in jail when an angelic jailbreak sets him free. Peter’s past didn’t disqualify him. God’s love for Peter and His determination for Peter to walk out his destiny prevailed.
The same is true for you. You are loved and you are accepted.

No matter what you have done, no matter how much of a failure you feel you’ve been, you are never disqualified from God’s kingdom. Jesus has pre-qualified you to share in His inheritance. 

Keep going, and look into the eyes of the One who says to you, “You can do it! I am holding you up and giving you My strength for the journey.”

Allow the Lord to love on you and burn away the things that have no business being in a new creation in Christ Jesus. Whether or not you end up preaching to crowds where thousands are saved, the Lord has chosen you and is perfectly preparing you to love as He loves and to make a huge difference in His kingdom.

Believing that you are a failure, a loser, or God’s “project” is only agreeing with the accuser. You belong to only One, and the opinion of that One who affirms you is the only voice that matters.

Someone who is continually down on him or herself is not readily available to be used by God to lift up others. But someone who knows his or her infinite worth will have one encounter after another in which the encouragement of God flows freely through him or her, making a huge difference in the lives of others. That’s your destiny, beloved! 

Taken from the book, "Daddy, You Love Me: Living in the Approval of your Heavenly Father" by Brent Lokker

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Enjoying the Journey

When I was about five years old, I fell asleep in the back of our family station wagon on one of our long trips to our cabin in the Santa Cruz Mountains. With a family of six, my dad and mom sat up front, my oldest sister and brother were in the middle seats, and my other sister and I (the two youngest) were able to lie down flat in the cargo area in the back (long before current seat-belt laws!). 

I distinctly remember two things.

My first remembrance is of the deep hum of the car as I lay my head down on the pillow that lulled me to sleep. The second is the complete absence of any worry, because my Dad was driving. I didn’t need to know where we were in the journey, if there was enough gas in the car, or any other concerns. I knew my dad would take all of us to the place we were so look- ing forward to going. I didn’t have a care in the world as I was nodding off, because I knew that when I awoke, I’d be safely at the cabin to experience lots of fun times together as a family.

Enjoying the Journey

God, our Father in heaven, is a genuine family man. He loves to take His children places, and He has fun doing it. And one thing I have come to believe with all my heart is that He knows how to get us there safely! Ultimately, we’re going to be with Him forever in the most fun place imaginable.

In this life, when we’re tempted to fear the journey, all God’s asking us to do is lay our heads down, listen to the deep hum of His heart beating, and know with childlike trust that He will take us safely to the next destination.

Yes, there will be bumps in the road and difficulties at times, but we have an amazing Daddy who loves us more dearly than the most loving earthly father who ever existed.

He is the One who says to us:
“I will let them sleep secure.” (Hosea 2:20 NJB)

He is the One who is driving us to one destination point after another until we reach our final destination with Him forever.

"Your God continued to support you, as a man supports his son, all along the road you followed until you arrived here ... going ahead of you on the journey to find you a camping ground, by night in the fire to light your path, and in the cloud by day." (Deuteronomy 1:31, 33 NJB)

And He is the One who knows how to get us there safely.
To him who can keep you from falling and bring you safe to his glorious presence, innocent and joyful ... ( Jude 24 NJB) 

Where do you need an upgrade in your understanding of God's ability and desire to take care of you and to get you where He wants you to be?  Ask Him for it! He's a good, good Father!

This blog is taken from Chapter 5 of my book, "Daddy, You Love Me." Chapter 5 is entitled, "A Father Who is Committed to your Success." 

Blessings on your Journey!

Brent Lokker

Thursday, January 24, 2013

You Are Mine!

You Are Mine!

I have two amazing sons, Derek and Aaron, who are now handsome young men. When each of them was born, I had the absolute thrill of a life- time, holding them just seconds after they entered this world. Cradling each son when he was born, my emotions burst forth and I wept tears of wonder and awe. I couldn’t help it! It was a miracle beyond words.

The sheer joy of tenderly securing each of my tiny, beautiful sons in my trembling hands was extremely moving. I felt so much love for my sons and I took great pleasure in them too. They were absolutely perfect! And here is a stunning truth: my sons couldn’t do a single thing for me to make me love them. No, I loved them with an extreme passion and I was wildly pleased with them for one reason alone: they were mine! My intense feelings of massive delight for them gripped me to the core of my being as I thought, How can I already love you this much?

These feelings of love and pleasure are the very same ones that your heavenly Father has for you every second of every day. His tender sentiments for you never change. You are that tiny, helpless baby in the outstretched hands of your heavenly Papa all the time. The stunning truth is that you can’t do a single thing to make Him love you. He already does.

God loves you, not for what you do or don’t do for Him, but because you are His. Period. He is positively thrilled with you!

He gazes upon you in total amazement and says, “My precious child, you have no idea what you do to Me. You are Mine. You’re beautiful and you’re everything I always wanted. When I made you, you were My dream fulfilled!”

Here is the truth of Papa’s heart found in the Bible:

You must see what great love the Father has lavished on us by letting us be called God’s children—which is what we are! (1 John 3:1 NJB)

[God] gives us the power to live, to move, and to be who we are. “We are His children,” just as some of your poets have said. (Acts 17:28 CEV)

This is exceptionally good news! You are not like a child of God. This is not just a nice analogy to make you feel better. You are God’s child. You are His actual son or daughter, created by Him in His image. Papa God has chosen you to be His very own, and with that come all of the rights of being in His family.

Paul explained God’s outrageous love and affection for us this way:

How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! He’s the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. Long before he laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son. (Ephesians 1:3–6 MSG)

Who is this extravagant Father? Who could possibly love you with that kind of passion? You were never an afterthought to God. You’ve always been on the heart and mind of your Father, who had plans for you to be here on the earth at this time and place in history before He even created the world. Just how important and special are you to God, whose creation of the world is secondary to His creation of you? He created you with the full intent to take you to “the high places of blessing” in Him and to saturate and soak you in His love and grace for all eternity.

His mind is made up about you. He has already settled on you as the focus of His love. He made this decision before you were born, before you had the choice to be loved in this way. So you’d better just get used to it—the sooner the better! 

Go to a quiet place and ask Papa God this question and allow your spirit to receive the affirming responses.  "Father, just how much do you love me as your child?"

This is an excerpt from chapter 1 of Daddy, You Love Me: Living in the Approval of your Heavenly Father. To go deeper in the revelation of the Father's love for you, receive His Father's Blessing here:

Declaring joy for you in the journey!

Brent Lokker

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Father's Treasure

My child, I am your Father and you belong to Me. Let Me draw you in and love you.
Please don’t pull back from My total acceptance of you. My love is the greatest force in the cosmos
and it’s fully fixed upon YOU as My heart’s true desire!

"Tell me again, Daddy!” I heard these words from my two boys when they were toddlers just after I had finished reading a story that had ushered them into a world of wonder and adventure. Our heavenly Father loves to do the same for us, and like wide-eyed little children, each of us exclaims, “Tell me again, Daddy!”

And He is all too happy to oblige. Listen to a story from His heart: The Father’s Treasure...

Once upon a time there was a Treasure that was too marvelous, too extravagant, too perfect for any earthly words to describe. Although there were treasure-hunters around the world, they were looking for earthly riches and seemed to pass right over the greatest, most costly Treasure of them all. But the Treasure never escaped My gaze. As the King and Ruler of my kingdom, I had to have it at any cost. One day, I sent My son, the Valiant Knight in Shining Armor, to seek after the Treasure and bring it back to Me. We both saw the immense worth of the Treasure and we’d both heard this living Treasure calling out to be found. With a look of intense determination and bravery, the Knight vowed to Me, “I will bring you the Treasure, My Father and King. I must bring you the Treasure!”

In no time at all, the Valiant Knight found the Treasure, but not without peril. For an Evil Rogue was brooding nearby, with the intent of stealing the Treasure for himself for all time to come. With one terrified glance at the Knight, the Rogue saw that his powers were no match for the supreme might of the Valiant Warrior, so he ruthlessly unsheathed his sword, turned toward the Treasure, and hissed, “If I can’t have you, then no one can.”

As the rage-driven sword lunged perilously toward the Treasure, the Knight leaped in and intercepted the sword right in the center of His heart. Breathing His last breath, He exclaimed, “I did it for love!” Then He crumpled lifeless to the ground.

The Dark Rogue screamed in false victory, “You fool! With your death, now and forever the Treasure is all mine!”

But suddenly and without warning, a brilliant, luminescent light flooded the Knight from within. He arched his back and sprang up from the ground to His feet with superhuman power. The sword that had pierced Him melted to nothing. With one blow of His mighty hand, the Knight smashed the Rogue to the ground and shackled him eternally in chains. Looking over the defeated, helpless villain, the Knight exclaimed, “This Treasure is Mine and you will never, ever steal it from Me again!”

With that, the Valiant Knight in Shining Armor scooped up the Treasure and presented it to Me, the King, where it has always belonged.

The Treasure, you see, wasn’t a bag of gold or a priceless painting or even the world’s richest jewels. The Treasure is YOU, My child! You are more valuable to Me than anything and you are with Me forever, right where you belong. I have always wanted you and I will never let you go. And now I have knighted you and I have given you My eyes to see all of the Treasures that encircle the globe. You will see them as I see them, and you will tell them what a good and benevolent King I really am. And with the authority that I have given to you, you will bring them safely to Me, as befits a royal knight such as yourself.

Gazing into our heavenly Father’s eyes of adoration and love, and with our mouths agape in utter amazement, we are left speechless.

Actually, there is one more phrase that passes by our lips:

“Tell me again, Daddy!” 

This is an excerpt from chapter 1 of my book, Daddy, You Love Me.
Brent Lokker