Friday, April 12, 2013

Just How Special Are You?

God’s glory—His very nature—is displayed throughout creation. The heavens declare the glory of God. (Psalm 19:1 NKJV)

First Corinthians 15:41 reminds us:
The sun has its own glory, the moon another glory and the stars yet another glory; and the stars differ among themselves in glory. (NJB)

When you look up at one of the 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars (the latest scientific estimate, though scientists acknowledge more stars are continually being born), you realize that particular star is different from every other one. Each star carries a unique glory that displays an aspect of God that no other star carries in the same way. It’s head-spinning, to say the least. And that’s just the stars! Every plant, every flower, every animal, every sea creature, and even every insect, from the top of Mount Everest to the depths of the sea, fathoms below the surface of the water, all display unique aspects of our Creator God.

He is so vast, so magnificent, so much more brilliantly creative than anything we could begin to wrap our minds around, it takes all of creation together to begin to paint a picture, albeit an incomplete one, of how jaw- droppingly amazing He really is!

Take a moment to reflect upon the most beautiful place you’ve ever enjoyed in nature. I’ve stood at the top of Yosemite Falls, transfixed by the breathtaking sight of massive volumes of water dramatically cascading a few thousand feet below. I’ve gazed with tremendous appreciation and wonder at deep purple-and-orange sunsets off the shores of Maui. I’ve marveled at the overwhelming majesty of huge California redwood trees towering above me, reaching into the sky. I’ve sat for hours at a time on the shores of Lake Tahoe, mesmerized by its panoramic beauty.

Do you have in mind that special image that takes your breath away with its beauty?

Are you ready for this? When God crafted that most beautiful place, He called it good. It was not until He created His crowning glory, man and woman in His own image—including you and me—that He called His creation very good! The same Father who put His unique glory into each of the elements of His creation saved the best for last. He’s the One who says of you,

“When I created you, I truly outdid Myself. You’re the very best part of My creation. You’re My absolute favorite!”

On his 1994 album Poiema, Michael Card wrote:
The Bible tells us that we are God’s masterpieces (poiema in Greek); not only creatures, but His creations, His poems. We are living epistles. And so, our lives are meant to be listened to, because it is God who is speaking into and out of and through the symphony of the years, and the masterpiece of a lifetime.

The beauty and majesty of how He fashioned you far surpasses the grandeur of everything else He has created.

What is it about man that God cannot get him out of His thoughts? Why would God bother to benefit the son of man? Why would God make so much of man? He has made man all but equal to Himself, He crowned him with His own glory and dignity and appointed him in a position of authority over all the works of His hands. (Hebrews 2:6–7 TMT)

God not only loves you with a passion that surpasses anything we thought we knew about passion, but He says to you, “Let’s rule My kingdom together!” Of course, that means it has to be done according to His specs— with love, grace, honor, and mercy, but also with power, signs, and wonders. We’re supposed to see the impossible invade this earth. This is why Jesus, when asked by His followers how to pray, responded:

This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:9–10 NIV)

Jesus was inviting us to know who our Father is and to realize we have His permission to usher the reality of His kingdom into this world. You are crowned with God’s own glory and dignity, and you’ve been given a position of authority in His kingdom. It looks like you and God have some work to do together!

People on this earth will come to know God through those of us who know Him as He really is. Once we know the greatness of who we are as carriers of God’s glory, there’s nothing to stop us from representing Him accurately across the earth with love and power. 

Enjoy the journey!

Brent Lokker
Author of Daddy, You Love Me: Living in the Approval of Your Heavenly Father. 
This blog is taken from Chapter 10: Know Your Greatness and Walk in it!

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