Friday, January 18, 2013

The Father's Treasure

My child, I am your Father and you belong to Me. Let Me draw you in and love you.
Please don’t pull back from My total acceptance of you. My love is the greatest force in the cosmos
and it’s fully fixed upon YOU as My heart’s true desire!

"Tell me again, Daddy!” I heard these words from my two boys when they were toddlers just after I had finished reading a story that had ushered them into a world of wonder and adventure. Our heavenly Father loves to do the same for us, and like wide-eyed little children, each of us exclaims, “Tell me again, Daddy!”

And He is all too happy to oblige. Listen to a story from His heart: The Father’s Treasure...

Once upon a time there was a Treasure that was too marvelous, too extravagant, too perfect for any earthly words to describe. Although there were treasure-hunters around the world, they were looking for earthly riches and seemed to pass right over the greatest, most costly Treasure of them all. But the Treasure never escaped My gaze. As the King and Ruler of my kingdom, I had to have it at any cost. One day, I sent My son, the Valiant Knight in Shining Armor, to seek after the Treasure and bring it back to Me. We both saw the immense worth of the Treasure and we’d both heard this living Treasure calling out to be found. With a look of intense determination and bravery, the Knight vowed to Me, “I will bring you the Treasure, My Father and King. I must bring you the Treasure!”

In no time at all, the Valiant Knight found the Treasure, but not without peril. For an Evil Rogue was brooding nearby, with the intent of stealing the Treasure for himself for all time to come. With one terrified glance at the Knight, the Rogue saw that his powers were no match for the supreme might of the Valiant Warrior, so he ruthlessly unsheathed his sword, turned toward the Treasure, and hissed, “If I can’t have you, then no one can.”

As the rage-driven sword lunged perilously toward the Treasure, the Knight leaped in and intercepted the sword right in the center of His heart. Breathing His last breath, He exclaimed, “I did it for love!” Then He crumpled lifeless to the ground.

The Dark Rogue screamed in false victory, “You fool! With your death, now and forever the Treasure is all mine!”

But suddenly and without warning, a brilliant, luminescent light flooded the Knight from within. He arched his back and sprang up from the ground to His feet with superhuman power. The sword that had pierced Him melted to nothing. With one blow of His mighty hand, the Knight smashed the Rogue to the ground and shackled him eternally in chains. Looking over the defeated, helpless villain, the Knight exclaimed, “This Treasure is Mine and you will never, ever steal it from Me again!”

With that, the Valiant Knight in Shining Armor scooped up the Treasure and presented it to Me, the King, where it has always belonged.

The Treasure, you see, wasn’t a bag of gold or a priceless painting or even the world’s richest jewels. The Treasure is YOU, My child! You are more valuable to Me than anything and you are with Me forever, right where you belong. I have always wanted you and I will never let you go. And now I have knighted you and I have given you My eyes to see all of the Treasures that encircle the globe. You will see them as I see them, and you will tell them what a good and benevolent King I really am. And with the authority that I have given to you, you will bring them safely to Me, as befits a royal knight such as yourself.

Gazing into our heavenly Father’s eyes of adoration and love, and with our mouths agape in utter amazement, we are left speechless.

Actually, there is one more phrase that passes by our lips:

“Tell me again, Daddy!” 

This is an excerpt from chapter 1 of my book, Daddy, You Love Me.
Brent Lokker

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